My Skillset
Python, R, MATLAB, Bash, Pascal
Data & Cloud
SQL, NoSQL (MongoDB), Git, Google Cloud Platform, Azure Databricks, CentOS
ML Packages
PyTorch, sklearn, pandas, SciPy, Gurobi
Web Dev
HTML, CSS, Vue.js, bootstrap, SharePoint
Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SketchUp
Office Work
LaTeX, Markdown, Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), iWork (Keynote, Numbers), G-suite, Asana
Photoshop, iMovie
Flight Dispatcher (training certified)
English, Mandarin, French
Representative Coursework
Programming Skills
- CS 578 Statistical Machine Learning Notes A+ PU
- ECE 695 Deep Learning Assignment A+ PU
- CS 50023 Data Engineering A+PU
- CGT 575 Data Visualization Tools and Applications A+PU
Math & Statistics
- STAT 512 Applied Regression Analysis A+PU
- MA 511 Linear Algebra with Applications A+PU
- CEE 262 Analysis of Transportation Data AUCB
- CEE 264 Behavioral Modeling AUCB
Management & Leadership
- AT 550 Critical Systems Thinking APU
- MET 527 Tech from Global Perspective APU
- ENG 270C Team & Project Management AUCB
- ENG 270K High Performance Teams AUCB
Substantive Expertise
- AT 547 Airline Revenue Management APU
- CE 252 Systems Analysis in Transportation (Microeconomics) AUCB
- CE 260 Air Transportation AUCB
- CE 257 Sustainable Aviation AUCB
Purdue University (PU), University of California, Berkeley (UCB)